Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – graphics guide

Andrew Neil

Mar 17, 2015
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain needs no introduction – a lot of you are already probably running it on your gaming systems. Especially since it’s bundled with MSI Notebooks equipped with GeForce GTX 970M and 980M in most parts of the world. While the game is available for consoles as well, there’s always features that make games better on PC. We’re of course talking about graphics, and in shooters, a superior aim, thanks to the use of a mouse.

We’re not ones to focus on mice, but instead, we’ll take a look at what makes the PC graphics far better than the console ones. And when we say we, we mean NVIDIA has done it for us, and we’re actually borrowing screenshots from their excellent Graphics & Performance guide. It mainly focuses on desktop graphics, but you should see useful tips here relevant to performance optimization on your mobile gaming system as well.

The article goes in-depth in what makes the PC version of The Phantom Pain far superior to the console versions, with great interactive side-by-side comparisons demonstrating the different effects used – as demonstrated by the Depth of Field effect illustrated above. Also included in the guide are several levels of the same settings, and the performance impact and data on performance with different resolutions, starting at the 1080P we all know and love on MSI Gaming notebooks.

Check out the article on if you’re interested in fiddling around with your own graphics experience, rather than only using GeForce Experience-Optimized settings. Perhaps you don’t even have the game yet, and want to know what it looks like? It’s all in there, in great detail.