Comp science engg student looking for good lappy which supports games too(India)

Vinay Khandelia

Jun 21, 2015
I am looking to buy a new laptop as i m going into second year of comp science engineering.
1. Should obviously deal with all my college requirements
2. Would love to get atleast 100+fps on cs go
2. future proof as much as possible

Budget: on the lower side... nothing above 45k INR plz
Lower the price the better
not that i need a cheap laptop that games well but a good piece at a good price
Thanks a lot for the help :)


Mar 25, 2012
Gaming on laptop is never good thing. Main problem is heating (indian weather u know how it is). prolong sessions may damage your GPU AND/OR CPU. but still if you insist i would suggest laptops without dedicated graphics as far as i know HD5000 is capable of giving 80fps again laptop screens are mostly 60hz or less so anything above 60FPS is not noticable. screen wont render those extra frames.

you havent mentioned your preference to AMD or Intel.
here is my suggestion Lenovo G50-80 (80E501FUIN) Laptop (5th Gen Intel Core i5- 4GB RAM- 1TB HDD- 15.6- DOS) (Black) here is link

the reason of 5th gen is they are more optimized so generate less heat better iGPU and as u asked future proof