8 GBs of RAM or better GPU + SSD?

Mike BD

May 3, 2015
I know it sounds weird,but,I doubt a 8GB of RAM Laptop [this one] will be way better than a 4GB one with NVIDIA GT 820M/840M + a SSD,in gaming.What do you think?
Mike, daca ai de ales intre unul cu 4GB de RAM si placa video mai buna si unul cu 8GB de RAM si un chip grafic mai modest, mergi pe cel cu grafica mai buna.

Tine cont de urmatorul lucru: memorie RAM poti adauga foarte usor si e foarte ieftina in comparatie cu alte componente. Un SSD deasemenea se poate adauga usor. In schimb, o placa video sau un procesor superior nu le poti instala in laptop - 1 pentru ca nu le gasesti, 2 pentru ca nu se pot schimba (GPU nu e pe socket - unele procesoare sunt, dar suportul pentru ele depinde de BIOSul placii de baza...deci intri intr-un put si ramai acolo d.p.d.v al CPU si GPU).

Eu as merge pe cel cu piesele care nu se pot schimba mai bune.

D.p.d.v al chipului grafica, 720M si 820M sunt cam la fel...


Jul 13, 2009
Mike, daca ai de ales intre unul cu 4GB de RAM si placa video mai buna si unul cu 8GB de RAM si un chip grafic mai modest, mergi pe cel cu grafica mai buna.

Tine cont de urmatorul lucru: memorie RAM poti adauga foarte usor si e foarte ieftina in comparatie cu alte componente. Un SSD deasemenea se poate adauga usor. In schimb, o placa video sau un procesor superior nu le poti instala in laptop - 1 pentru ca nu le gasesti, 2 pentru ca nu se pot schimba (GPU nu e pe socket - unele procesoare sunt, dar suportul pentru ele depinde de BIOSul placii de baza...deci intri intr-un put si ramai acolo d.p.d.v al CPU si GPU).

Eu as merge pe cel cu piesele care nu se pot schimba mai bune.

D.p.d.v al chipului grafica, 720M si 820M sunt cam la fel cu cateva exceptii in favoarea lui 820M.
Rata de transfer de pixeli este cu circa 25% mai buna pe 820M. Ai suport pt OpenGL 4.4 (vs 4.3 pe 720M), consumul este cu peste 50% mai mic pe 820M (15W vs 33W pe 720M) , deci bateria, in cazul in care e de aceeasi capacitate pe ambele laptopuri, ar trebui sa dureze ceva mai mult pe cel cu 820M. De altfel, atat GT720M cat 820M sunt bazate pe arhitectura Fermi - deci sunt comparabile atat diferentele de eficienta cat si ceasurile la care ruleaza, optimizarile fiind aceleasi pe ambele chipuri.

DAR, acuma-i acuma....daca chipul grafica este 840M - ala e considerabil mai performant ca 720M. GT840M este bazat pe arhitectura Maxwell - cea mai noua arhitectura de la nVidia - 720M este bazat pe Fermi. Latimea de banda pe Maxwell fiind cu vreo 20% mai mare, procesoarele shader fiind cu 400% mai multe (384 in comparatie cu 96 pe 720M). Scorul de performanta pe shadere este cu vreo 330% mai buna. Dispui de 50% mai multe unitati de procesare a texturilor, care la randul lor sunt transferate 147% mai rapid (24.7GT/s vs 10GT/s), iar rata de transfer de pixeli este si ea marita la 8.2 mii de pixeli (de la 5 mii de pixeli). Sunt diferente considerabile de performanta intre cele doua, iar consumul este identic (33W) pe ambele chipuri.

Mike, if you've gotta choose between one with 4GB of RAM and a better GPU and another with 8GB of RAM and a more modest GPU, go with the one with the better GPU.

Keep in mind the following: RAM can easily be added and it's very cheap compared to other components. An SSD is alos easy to add. On the other hand, a better GPU or CPU can't be installed in a laptop in the form of an upgrade - first because you can't find them like you'd find desktop parts, 2nd because they are not meant to be uppgraded (the GPU is not socketed - some CPU are, but support for them depends on the motherboard's BIOS...so you'll basically find yourself at a dead end on that matter).

I'd go with the one that has better non-upgradeable components.

From a GPU perspective, the 720M and 820M are similar with a few exceptions favoring the 820M.

Pixel transfer rate on the 820M is around 25% better. You'd also get support for OpenGL 4.4 (vs 4.2 on the 720M), while power consumption would be over 50% lower on the 820M (15W vs 33W on the 720M), so battery life should be better on the laptop with the 820M as long as the rest of the components on both laptops have similar power consumption.
Both the 720M and the 820M are based on theFermi architecture - therefore they are quite comparable in terms of power efficiency and clockspeeds, the architecture optimizations being the same on both chips.

BUT, here's the thing...if one of the laptops comes with the GeForce GT840M - that one is considerably more powerful than the 720M. gt840m is based on the Maxwell architecture - the newest one from nVidia - the 720M is based on Fermi. Memory bandwidth on the Maxwell chip is around 20% higher, the chips features around 400% more shaders (384 vs 96 on the 720M). Shader performance score is around 330% better on the 840M. You also have 50% more texture processing units, which in turn get textures through the pipeline 147% faster (24.7GT/s vs 10GT/s). Pixel transfer rate is also increased at 8.2 thousands of pixels (up from 5 thousand pixels per second). These are considerable differences between the two chips - all while the power consumption remains the same (33W).


If you are buying laptops, you can usually easily upgrade these:
You can not upgrade proc and GPU.
I would recommend you to try finding the best proc+GPU you can find with your budget.

I dunno but I feel 2050 ron (around €500) sounds a bit too expensive for such laptop but I do not really know the prices in Rumania (been there only several times). Try to look at ASUS, MSI or Toshiba, perhaps you can find laptops with better spec for the price.

Mike BD

May 3, 2015
Best regards! Thank you all for your help.
I've seen Ogdy was [and I assume he always is] incredibly superb in talking about graphics [the only single thing that I can loudly say it really matters to me].
Uhm...I've also seen that 840M is slightly beaten by AMD Radeon HD 8750 and up.
Now...How much it matters an 4th gen i5 instead of an AMD A8 APU,and vice-versa?


Jul 13, 2009
They both have 4 threads (A8 si a quad core, i5 is a hyperthreaded dual core). The thing is - their performance is somewhat similar with the i5 consuming a third of the power the APU does because the i5 doesn't have integrated graphics as powerful as the APU's (the APU reaches 100W vs i5 35W - but Intel obviously doesn't factor the dedicated GPU in).

What processor models are you exactly referring to? The 3230M from Intel and which APU? Or which chips are you interested in?


Jul 13, 2009
A, pai in cazul asta alegerea e mai usor de facut decat ai crede: mergi cu incredere pe combinatia i3&840M. i3-ul bate i5-ul fiindca primul este procesor mobile, in comparatie cu i5-ul care e din sectorul UltraLowPower (optimizat mai mult pentru consum redus decat pentru performanta).
Pe deasupra, 840M] e un chip mai puternic decatHD8750M. Deasemenea, cu i3-ul ai baterie mai buna.
Ca si cand n-ar fi fost suficient, placa de baza cu cipul i3 suporta de doua ori mai multa memorie RAM decat cea cu i5. Adica ai suport si pentru module de 8GB, cu alte cuvinte.

It's an easier pick than you'd think: Go with the i3 - 840M combo. The i3 outperforms the i5 since it's a mobile CPU, not an UltraLowPower chip.
Moreover, the 840M is better than the HD8750M. You also get a better battery with the i3 system.
As if all that wasn't enough, the motherboard with the i3 chip supports twice the RAM supported on the other one.


Jul 13, 2009
In principiu ar trebui sa poti sa-i faci upgrade atat la RAM cat si la hard, dar asta mai depinde si de cum este laptopul pe dedesubt. Unele au capacul intreg (adica e un capac cat toata suprafata laptopului) si practic desfaci laptopul pe din doua ca sa faci upgrade, iar altele au capacul limitat exact la cat ocupa hardul si RAMul pe placa de baza.
Cazul 1: https://goo.gl/WdCkDv
Cazul 2: https://goo.gl/mxFULi
Eu cred ca singurul mod prin care te-ar putea verifica este printr-un sticker lipit pe care ar trebui sa-l rupi ca sa desfaci laptopul, dar daca atunci cand iei laptopul nou si vezi ca merge, dezlipesti incet stickerul de nou si il lipesti la loc ca sa nu apuce sa se intareasca lipiciul si sa se rupa cand il scoti mai tarziu, nu ar trebui sa ai probleme. De multe ori stickerul este cat un cap de surub si acopera unul dintre suruburile pe care trebuie sa le scoti ca sa faci upgrade, deci nu ar fii prea greu de scos si pus la loc.

You should be able to upgrade both the RAM and the HDD, but this also depends on how the laptop is configured underneath. Some of the variations of this model have a full cover (the cover itself takes up the entire laptop area) and you'd basically have to tear the laptop apart to upgrade the hardware, while some other variations have a little cover with dimensions exactly as big as the HDD and the RAM slots, thus making the upgrade process a little easier.
Case 1:https://goo.gl/WdCkDv
Case 2:https://goo.gl/mxFULi

I think the only way they can check whether your warranty is still applicable is through a sticker put in such a way that you'd have to remove it or break it in order to get to the laptop internals, but if right when you get the laptop you remove the sticker and put it back in order for the glue not to become too hard to deal with, you shouldn't have any problems. Many times the sticker is as big as screw head and covers one of the screws you need to remove in order to upgrade the hardware, so that shouldn't bee too hard to remove and put back.


Jul 13, 2009

Lenovo hides the screws for the panel right in front of the battery( on the inside). One of the screws has a sticker on it "Void if removed"- you'd have to peel that off in order to remove the screw and be able to take the whole panel off and gain access to HDD and RAM. That's why it's worth paying attention to these details.


Which laptop line from Lenovo? My old 2008 Lenovo Thinkpad T400 does not have that.
I upgraded the RAM from 4GB to 8GB and added an SSD to it, sent the laptop for repair becuase screen was broken and the customer support from Lenovo simply replaced the screen without any comments from their side.
I bought the T400 in Germany and repaired it in Singapore.
I paid for the extra 2 years warranty after the main 3 years warranty period was over.
Added the SSD in 2012, 4 months before the extra warranty was over and 1 month before the screen went dark.



Jul 13, 2009

Yep, it uses a single DIMM slot because it's equipped with either a Pentium or a Celeron CPU. Motherboards with Core ix (i3 / i5 / i7) feature two usable DIMM slots for a max RAM of 16GB (mind you there is no such thing as unregistered, unbuffered non-ECC 16GB DDR3 DIMM, which makes it more than obvious the laptop you're thinking of buying supports 2x8GB DIMMs max. That's due to the memory controller featured in those low-end mobile CPUs.
In fact, on the very same page you provided they state:
Capacitate memorie: 4 GB
Tip memorie: DDR3
Memorie maxima: 16 GB
Frecventa: 1600 MHz
Nr sloturi/sloturi ocupate: 2/1
Slot 1: 4096 MB "


Jul 13, 2009
It has 2 usable slots - it has a Core i3 CPU. Out of those 2 usable slots, one is occupied with a 4GB memory module. The second memory slot can also be used at the same time, of course. You could, for instance, add an 8GB DIMM for a total of 12GB of RAM. Then, in order to expand the RAM even more, you would have to replace the 4GB DIMM with an 8GB one for a max of 16GB. (which is attainable through the use of 2x8GB DIMMs.
The computer will work with at least 1 memory slot occupied. No memory -> no image on the screen.