
Jun 2, 2015
Hi there everybody

Laptop has and Nvidia Geforce 710m, i7, and 8gb ram so has no issue with running this game until it reaches the CPU temperature threshold when it starts throttling

I have had an issue with a particular game (Cities Skylines) ever since i started playing it. The game will run reasonably smoothly at about 30fps for about 10 seconds then drop to single digits for 4-5 seconds in a never ending cycle. recently i have started monitoring the CPU temperature, and it usually sits at around 40-45 degrees, starting up the game and sitting in the main menu it will be at about 55 degrees and however once the save game has loaded it will be around 75 degrees which is when i start getting serious issues, it looks like 75 degrees is the temperature threshold at which point the CPU starts throttling down and dropping my frames into single digits in the cycle i mentioned earlier. I also use a very average cooling pad which does not help very much and have adjusted the Maximum Processor state down in advanced battery settings which has a reasonably significant impact on CPU temp which was around 90 degrees prior to me doing this. i have already had a look at the BIOS to see if i could adjust fan speed settings or CPU throttling temperature threshold, but Acer does not allow you to adjust these settings in BIOS.

Have updated the driver and no difference, adjusting in game graphical settings has no impact either.

any help would be greatly appreciated as i really enjoy playing this game, with the issues im having it makes it a very unpleasant experience


Jun 2, 2015

yes it is still under warranty, but i doubt 'cpu overheating' would be a valid fault.?


Apr 6, 2015

because 75 seems to be quite high. i suggest you take it back to the shop and rma it