How to find out whether or not my wireless radio is turned off or not? Please help asap, thx

You read the manual for whatever device you need information on and see if it says anything about how to check whatever it is you want to check.

There are millions of different devices out there and hundreds of different way of reporting wireless activity so you will need to be more specific if you want any meaningful help.

I strongly recommend checking the manual first - usually spares you the embarrassment of a LMGTFY response since the first thing anyone not familiar with whatever device you have to answer your question (instead of calling you lazy for not doing so yourself) will be searching for the manual.


You read the manual for whatever device you need information on and see if it says anything about how to check whatever it is you want to check.

There are millions of different devices out there and hundreds of different way of reporting wireless activity so you will need to be more specific if you want any meaningful help.

I strongly recommend checking the manual first - usually spares you the embarrassment of a LMGTFY response since the first thing anyone not familiar with whatever device you have to answer your question (instead of calling you lazy for not doing so yourself) will be searching for the manual.