Will this laptop run Skyrim at high/medium settings with mods?


Jun 11, 2014
Hello to everyone. I was thinking about getting this laptop soon.http://
I wanted to know if it could run Skyrim at high/medium settings and still have enb mods like realvision, while staying around 50-60 fps. I don't have to have the grass mod that destroys your GPU.
If I cant run the enb mods, is there any other more lightweight mods that can also make the game look good?
Thanks for the help!

that's about as good as it gets for an $1100 budget unfortunately - however that particular sucks absolute balls. The wireless is known to be really bad on that model, and the gt 750Ms SLI also don't play nice compared to other SLI setups in laptops.
this is the updated version with the above two problems fixed...


Dec 28, 2013
2gb is enough for running mods. You'll still have system RAM that'll double up on it. As for the ENB, you'll need a gpu with a bit more juice.

You could probably get a laptop from the same line with a stronger gpu for roughly the same price on newegg, if they ship to you.

that's about as good as it gets for an $1100 budget unfortunately - however that particular sucks absolute balls. The wireless is known to be really bad on that model, and the gt 750Ms SLI also don't play nice compared to other SLI setups in laptops.
this is the updated version with the above two problems fixed: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834313740
this laptop won't run the usual beasty mods, atleast not at 1080p maxed fluently. But there's no reason for it not to be able to cope with around 20 light mods at 1080p and reduced AA or other settings, or even down to 720p. It should do fine.


Jun 11, 2014

Thanks for the advice! The one other laptop I was looking at was the y50 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834317538
Instead of gt 750m SLI it has a single gtx 860m. It is also close the same price, but it maxes the budget. Would this be better, worse, or the same than the y510p?
Sorry that I could not reply sooner, and thanks.

if you've got the budget for a y50 then honestly go for it I say.
the gt 755M SLI vs the 860M difference is tiny, they both do about the same. the 755Ms are slightly faster but at lower fps they'll suffer from micro-stuttering. This basically means that for more intense mods, the SLI setup will run worse than a single setup. Since you want some heavy mods that will slow down framerates, a single GPU setup is the better option,


Jun 11, 2014

Thanks to everyone for the helpful answers. Will go with y50.