Question about coding


Sep 2, 2013
So i want to become a game developer and i want to learn java. But learning java is just SOOO boring. Is this a sign that game developing is not meant for me?
As rgd1101 says most top titles use a c based language like C# and C++.
If you are intending to work for a studio producing AAA titles then you will need to do a computer science degree.
My daughter and her boyfriend did a computer science with gaming degree and both got firsts,he did a masters then got a devs job at a AAA studio,she is working as a dev but not in a gaming studio.
It is extremely competitive trying to get into the gaming industry .


As rgd1101 says most top titles use a c based language like C# and C++.
If you are intending to work for a studio producing AAA titles then you will need to do a computer science degree.
My daughter and her boyfriend did a computer science with gaming degree and both got firsts,he did a masters then got a devs job at a AAA studio,she is working as a dev but not in a gaming studio.
It is extremely competitive trying to get into the gaming industry .