Artiste of all trades thinking of getting into programming.


Feb 13, 2014
For all those who say there are no stupid questions...

So I've been using computerized resources for art and music for over a decade, but know nothing in programming beyond a few phrases in HTML. And, after putzing about with IOS apps on the iPad, decided that I wanted to create my own art/painting program.

I've the foolish notion that all I'd need would be an IOS SDK and a Mac to run it on, and could just roll up my sleeves, start typing from some text reference, and testing it...

From working with synthesizers, I DO have a grasp on some basics of electronics as a science, and can graphically input and "humanize" programmed drum beats, so I'm not completely ignorant... From painting and editing pictures and layers, I can begin to foresee the logic of this project.

I guess I'd like to know how much I'm about to take on.

I've also considered... and this may be a VERY jejune question... well, what about accidental "plagiarism"... say, creating from scratch, by accident, an app that's already been made? How does that sort of thing get worked out? I seem to understand that "open source" means "copyright free"...

Anything else I should know?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
You might want to check out Codecademy. It's a good place to start learning programming languages, and it'll definitely help to put you in the right mindset for learning the ones you'll need. I don't know much about art, so I'm not sure what exactly you'd be after, but I'd say HTML wouldn't be a bad first language to learn, especially if you already know a bit.

Make no mistake. You are going to be attempting to learn a new language. More than one, if you want to. Granted, separate programming languages can be more like dialects than anything, but your first one especially is going to sound pretty foreign at first. Keep Google handy; it's going to become your best friend.

As far as I know, open source means that you have a free...


Oct 11, 2013
You might want to check out Codecademy. It's a good place to start learning programming languages, and it'll definitely help to put you in the right mindset for learning the ones you'll need. I don't know much about art, so I'm not sure what exactly you'd be after, but I'd say HTML wouldn't be a bad first language to learn, especially if you already know a bit.

Make no mistake. You are going to be attempting to learn a new language. More than one, if you want to. Granted, separate programming languages can be more like dialects than anything, but your first one especially is going to sound pretty foreign at first. Keep Google handy; it's going to become your best friend.

As far as I know, open source means that you have a free licence to access the source code and are free to modify and improve it as you see fit.

I also feel compelled to let you know that the word "putz" does not mean what you think it means.


If you are programming for iOS then you have a steep learning curve ahead of you. Buy a book on the subject and/or checkout the excellent video course from Stanford University on the iTunes University.

Don't worry too much about plagiarism/copyright problems. Unless you deliberately copy someone else's work you are highly unlikely to duplicate their results.