Who in their right mind would buy this?!!!

all hdmi cables are not equal.

while i agree that is too much to pay for a cable you can not compare it to a $5 cable. to do such would mean that you need to do some research :)

products touted as "the best of the best" have always been expensive but that is the price you pay for a botique or limited release product.
well... is a car worth $2,500,000? thats the msrp of a bugatti veyron. is a wine worth $168,000?. is a crayon worth $43?

yes... i do 100% completely agree that a hdmi cable isnt worth that price however its also not fair to compare it to a $5 piece of junk. quality i would say is comparable to some of the higher end hdmi cables perhaps.

personally i wouldnt pay more than $30-40 for a 9ft hdmi cable though regardless of what its supposed to do. however someone with more money then brains would go out and buy one just because it is expensive and is made to exacting standards which arent even required for good video and audio. its just like you can buy a $1,500,000 watch for no other purpose than its expensive and unique.

i think we all know that there are products that cater to the super ultra mega rich and how rediculous they are