Battery issue !!

Hosam Hassan

Apr 2, 2013
I am using a laptop in my home and I keep it on almost 12 hours every day , during that time I approximately recharge the battery from 3-4 times because I have heard that it is wrong to keep the battery connect to the power after it is fully charged

so I am thinking about any advice if to keep doing so or i let the laptop connected to the power all the day or I just take the battery off and work on the AC power only but I am scared if something may fail because in my country the power cuts down allot :(


you heard incorrectly. It is not only perfectly safe to keep your laptop plugged in 24/7 (as long as you periodically clean the dust out if you keep it running all day), lithium batteries have their lifespan rated in charge/discharge cycles rather than hours. Every time you discharge and recharge your battery, it loses a bit of its maximum capacity. Under typical usage a lithium ion battery will lose half of its maximum charge capacity over a period of 18 months, and most are typically completely dead within 3 years. Furthermore, Lithium batteries tend to last a bit longer if the discharge is only partial, it's best to keep it's charge as close to 100% at all times as is practical to maximize its lifespan.


Jun 25, 2013

sorry to ask a question within a thread asking a question, if this is true, why do companies such as lenovo include programs that stop a battery from charging all the way (keep it at 40%-50%)?



Supposedly it extends the battery life when the laptop is regularly used with an AC adapter. The theory is that a battery held at a higher charge (100%) will degrade faster than a battery held at an attenuated charge (50%). This is a hardware feature often found with laptops that use crummy batteries, and is often absent on those that do not. Regardless, repeated deep discharge/recharge cycles are far more wearing on the battery than simply holding a charge for a prolonged period of time. In fact, a full discharge of a lithium-ion battery will render it useless.

I'm very skeptical as to whether or not there's any real empirical evidence to support this, of it it's simply an urban legend / bandaid for cheap batteries. Batteries degrade with time and usage no matter what happens.