Is it a good time to upgrade to a new gaming laptop?


Apr 21, 2013
I currently have an aging acer laptop (540m) that can surprisingly still play most modern games on a combination of medium to high (struggles on crysis 3 and Tomb Raider though), but with the release of haswell and the new 700m series it seems like a good idea to upgrade initially (was rather interested in the new razor...)

But with the new consoles coming out, do you think next years games might require a larger-than-normal jump in gpu power to run games on high? I know the consoles are weaker than PCs, but optimization has always been a issue thanks to lazy developers.

...however the new ps4 is said to not to have its own custom configuration (unlike the previous generation) and be similar in architecture to a PC... hopefully making porting a lot easier.

so what do you guys think? upgrade now, or keep chugging along for another year? if now, any good gaming laptop recommendations? I would prefer it to be thin and portable... similar to the Razor, but perhaps with a 1tb hard drive, instead of a small ssd...

assume I have no price restrictions... (I do, but I want to see my options)


Apr 3, 2009
Now is a great time to upgrade as cpus and gpus are more efficient than ever. How big of a drive do you need? Personally, I would go with a 256GB SSD for a laptop, but if you need more space but don't want to suffer the slow loads, go with a Seagate hybrid drive. What screen res do you want? This is a good value... MainGear sells essentially the same laptop for a bit more money. Hard to say without knowing how much you wanna spend.


Apr 21, 2013

the MSI doesn't seem all that portable.... I have a full fledged gaming desktop to play games on ultra, but ever since I got my acer gaming laptop, Its become my primary device.... so im not really looking for a desktop replacement.

I also carry a lot of movies and tv shows, so I need 1tb minimum. I honestly dont care much for slightly shorter loading times.

I also hardly use the DVD drive (I also have a external DVD drive just in case) so if theres a laptop that uses that space for more power/space/battery its much better.

the Razor Blade is the laptops that fits my needs most.... except for the hard drive...

anything similar to this but with a regular drive instead of the SSD?