Dell XPS L702X Keyboard problem.


Jun 5, 2013
Hi everyone, my name is Victor.

I recently started having this issue with my laptop, the keyboard doesn't work.

I'm writing this on the on screen keyboard.

The keyboard on my laptop won't work at all, but when I bring up the on screen keyboard, an press stuff like caps lock, I see the caps lock light turning on and off.

I recently purchased a usb keyboard to use it, but I'm having the same problem. When I bring up the on screen keyboard, an press stuff like caps lock, I see the caps lock light turning on and off on the external keyboard.

information I tried updating windows and everything, but still doesn't work.



Jun 5, 2013
Hi guys,

I'm at work, so I'm able to type effectiently.

The other things that I wanted to mention was, when I purchased the USB keyboard yesterday, the keyboard lit up, but it was only typing the letter N, C, and that's it. When I will hit the Num Lock key, it will light up on the keyboard, but when I will hit the Caps Lock key, it won't work.

This is simply saying that some keys work, but the majority of them won't, and this is a brand new keyboard.

When I bring on the on screen keyboard, and hit the Caps Lock, it turns on and off on both the USB keyboard, and the actual laptop keyboard.

Please help.
