SOny Vaio VGN-CS11Z -keeps shutting down without warning - what is the solution?


Apr 21, 2013
My Sony Vaio keeps shutting down with no prior warning. It will not run long enough to allow me to enter windows fully so I can't check software issues or anything else. The maximum it will stay on for is approximately 5 mins - what is gooing wrong and how do i fix this??
I'm going to venture overheating as a possible problem, has the laptop ever been disassembled and cleaned thoroughly? I will suggest that as a course of action here - youtube probably has videos on disassembly and cleaning your model laptop. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of getting into your laptop, a local repair shop should be able to do it for you.
You can attempt to blow out any dust within the laptop but if dust bunnies have formed (I suspect so), they will remain within the laptop to cause issues later which is why I recommend disassembly and cleaning. I would say to run coretemp to check the temps but being unable to get into windows makes that a little difficult...