recovery file wont open


Mar 17, 2013
I have Asus eee pc and because the win7 starter is working real slow i am changing to ubuntu netbook remix. i Read from forums it is the best ubuntu for weak minilaptop. Anyways, to be able to run ubuntu on this, i need to make my usb bootable. I was following one manual to make it, but then i need access to the recovery file. I've tried everything i know, but it will not let me open it. says its unavailable and I dont have permission to open it. Is there any way to fool the pc to let me open it? and if not, how i can make my usb bootable.

actually i need it for 2 things. to make ubuntu usb bootable, and in case of something goes wrong, to get bootable recovery stick, so i wont lose my windows and end up with nothing but one piece of sh** laptop.

i'll appreciate every answer to my issue.


Mar 17, 2013

I have the .iso file on usb. and i burned it in with uneboot. so everything should be done right with uneboot. but it just wont boot. it starts the countdown but it only loops.
i need to get the file open, but how.